Nurturing Parenting and Goal Setting For Kids: Discover Law of Attraction Tips for Raising Successful Children Along With Goal Setting Activities for Kids. Learn Why It’s So Important for Your Children to Set Goals.
Hello …and welcome back.
Over the past few weeks, we have been talking about various law of attraction tips that can be used for raising successful children.
We’ve learned that one of the keys to success in life …for children as well as adults …is the ability to set and achieve goals.
As we continue to learn about the importance of goal setting for kids, I would like to share another article written by one of the authors of “Law of Attraction for Kids”, Winsome Coutts ….
Kids and Goal Setting …Why is it So Important?
Raising successful children is not that difficult …if you are able to provide the proper tools for their growth.
Showing your children how to set goals will help them to achieve their future success.
This can be great fun, and can make a huge difference in their lives.
Tools such as goal setting for kids books, worksheets, and activities will all help you to introduce the idea of setting goals to your children.
It doesn’t matter if you are a parent, teacher, grandparent, or friend – if you can encourage the children in your life to start setting goals at an early age, you can have a profound effect on their lives.
But why would you bother with any goal setting activities for kids?
You’re busy enough aren’t you?
In today’s information age, people are bombarded with so many choices, decisions and options. It’s very easy to get sidetracked or to just “go with the flow”.
Learning how to set goals at an early age will give your child the tools needed to live a purposeful life.
They will be able to make decisions that get them where they want to go instead of just reacting to whatever is in front of them at that moment.
Most highly successful people are avid goal-setters.
Pick up any best-selling book from personal growth gurus and there will be a section dedicated to goal setting. These coaches don’t consider goal setting an option; to them, it’s mandatory if you want to live an amazing life.
When you take the time to sit down and totally focus on your child, you KNOW how much they love that.
You’ll see that this is about more than just Goal Setting – it’s about saying how much you love them, and that you care enough about them and their future, that you are prepared to spend time working on it with them.
You KNOW what an impact that will have with them. They will love Goal Setting, and feel so proud when they have written their first goal.
Setting goals can lead to profound feelings of happiness, purpose, confidence and self-worth.
Imagine your child being confident because they know that they have the ability to achieve whatever they want to achieve.
Imagine how exciting the world would be to them!
Help your children learn how to be successful in life.”
Winsome Coutts holds a teacher’s certificate in education and has written hundreds of articles on self-development. She has studied with Bob Proctor and John Demartini, popular teachers featured on “The Secret” DVD. She is the passion behind the 4lifehappykids website and is a parent and grandparent.
Winsome is author of “Go for Your Goals for Kids” – a set of downloadable e-books that guide your child through the joyful steps of learning visualization, goal-setting and the Law of Attraction. Simple language enhanced with beautiful illustrations and worksheets make these books appealing and motivating. To learn more, visit
Goal Setting Activities for Kids Designed As “Play Time”
In previous posts, we’ve mentioned how important it is for kids to play …and how playing with your kids is a major part of raising successful children.
What if you could play with your kids and teach them how to set goals at the same time?
That would be a great way for your children to learn …wouldn’t it?
Well …Winsome Coutts along with a team of mothers, grandmothers, schoolteachers, curriculum writers, and experts in self-help, visualization and goal setting has created a program to help you do exactly this.
The “Law of Attraction for Kids” program is a set of beautifully illustrated, downloadable books that will teach your child the secrets they need to know to fulfill their dreams and be happy and successful all their lives.
Finally …Something FUN And EASY To Follow For Kids Of All Ages …Including Yourself!
Go For Your Goals – Goal Setting For Kids is your Parent’s Guide that shows you exactly how to use the children’s books
…plus it will answer all of your questions on visualization, goal setting, and how they work for kids.
The Parent’s Guide is great for parents who have never practiced visualization …or who can’t (for whatever reason) polish up on their skills before they work with their child.
It prepares you for working together with your child.
The Secret of Making Wishes Come True is for your little kids. In children’s stories, fairies or genies are needed to grant people’s wishes, but Making Wishes Come True teaches your kids that they can grant wishes for themselves. They are taught that making a wish come true is called “manifesting” …and, to do it, they need to learn how to make goals.
This book will teach your kids that goal making is fun and easy …that it brings lovely surprises into their lives …that goal making turns wishes into something real.
How To Get The Things You Want is for your bigger kids.
In this book, your older children are taught that their wishes are not silly …that they are important …and always have been.
Many things that kids wish for and imagine about in their childhood become real when they grow up.
Would that have happened if they hadn’t had a dream? Wishes are powerful when you know how to use them. Some people say children are born knowing what they came into this world to do. They say we each have a special purpose …and that kids’ wishes and dreams are clues to what their special purpose is.
There’s even an extra bonus that makes it easy for little kids to do their goal setting activities with minimal guidance from busy parents.
BONUS – 4 Videos – “Success Exercises for LITTLE Kids”
This Video Training Session is Fun for Kids …and Great for Children Who Are Both Visual As Well as Auditory Learners.
Video #1 – Visualizing, How to Make a Story Board
Video #2 – How to Make a Goals Ladder
Video #3 – My Strategy List for Kids
Video #4 – What Do You Wish For? – Kid’s Guide
There are also goal setting activities for kids designed for play time.
It’s your time to learn law of attraction tips for raising successful children that will teach your kids the power of goal setting and visualization.
Show your kids how to be successful in life
…starting today!
GO HERE to check out the entire Law of Attraction and Goal Setting for Kids program. >>>
Take care.
Enjoy your kids!
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